Hi. I'm Shardul. I help
product managers magnify
their careers and their

My story:

Like so many product managers, I started on the technical side,
and eventually stumbled into product management.

Weird thing is, I was seen by business people as too technical.
And I was seen by technical people as not being technical enough.

I was called too verbose, yet not communicative enough.

I had no idea how to navigate an organization or
how to foster cross-collaboration.

No executive presence. Zero leadership skills.

With a young family to support, as the primary bread winner,
I knew I had to make a change.
I had to find a way to accelerate my career and 10x my skills.

Then I started ProductCamp DC. I met other product people
both inside and outside of Silicon Valley with the same challenges.

At the same time, I was exposed to the world of entrepreneurship
and startups. I gained several mentors - product leaders,

seasoned business managers, and entrepreneurs.

I had an epiphany.

I realized great product management happens best at

the intersection of business management,
leadership, and an entrepreneurial attitude.

After that, my career took off.

→ I've launched and scaled technology products, from 0 to 1 and 1 to n.

→ I've grown complex enterprise-grade platforms and multi-faceted product portfolios to $100M+ in revenue.

→ I've gotten promoted to executive leadership positions at several companies, including roles reporting to the CEO.

→ I've led and scaled product and design teams, having hired, mentored, and grown junior independent contributors to team leads. A number of my former employees are now in senior leadership positions.

→ I've worked in technology startups, in small business, venture capital and private equity backed growth companies, through mergers & acquisitions and IPOs, and in Fortune 100 global enterprises.

→ I've launched and grown products in healthcare, financial services, payments, retail, consumer care, the performance arts, and the US federal government.

→ I ran a successful blog called Street Smart Product Manager and launched Product Manager Academy, a learning platform that offered courses that taught thousands of product professionals.

Now I run a one-person business that teaches product managers
how to maximize their impact and grow their careers.

When I'm not working on my business, I angel invest,
teach and perform improv, travel, and work out.

I write about six topics to help you own your career.

1. Personal Growth

Unlock your full potential with tools and techniques that will foster personal development and open doors to new opportunities.

2. Business Savvy

Magnify your credibility with an understanding of how business truly works.

Learn the language of business and money making, including strategy, operations, financials, people, and the external environment.

3. Leadership

Product Managers need to execute without authority. Up-level your ability to galvanize people and communicate for impact.

4. Stakeholder Alignment

Discover the true power players and influencers within your organization. Learn how to navigate the hidden unwritten org chart to gain allies and neutralize challengers.

5. Productivity & Time Management

Maximize your productivity, enhance your impact. Uncover proven techniques that allow you to work smarter, achieving more in less time.

6. Delivering & Showcasing Impact

Learn how to align your work with business results that truly matter, and then craft a unique and compelling story that showcases the value you bring to any employer.

I'll help you magnify your impact as a product manager.

Magnify your ability to
deliver outcomes.

Magnify your ability to
become highly desired.

Magnify your ability to
have a career of fulfillment.

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