Promote your business to 3,500+ product managers

Get your company in front of a community of passionate product managers and leaders.

Audience and Reach


1-Issue Sponsorship

300+ subscribers

77%+ open rate

In perpetuity - email & web


300+ subscribers, growing rapidly

3,500+ followers

28 countries

Company Types

Startups, mid-size, Fortune 100, global enterprises

VC-backed, PE-owned, private, public

Product Types

B2C, B2B, enterprise, SaaS, mobile, marketplaces, integrations, digital, physical


Product Managers, Product Owners, Product Leaders

Job Titles

Product Manager, Product Owner, Senior Product Manager, Director, VP, CPO


Consulting, E-commerce, Education, Financial Services, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Logistics, Technology, and more

What You Get As A Sponsor

You get 1 ad in our Saturday newsletter.

The newsletter is published every Saturday at 8am US EST.

Your ad will be positioned at the top of that Saturday's issue on both the website and email.

Your ad will be 1 of 2 max ads in that issue. Positioning is first come, first serve.

Your ad will remain live forever on that issue as the newsletter is published on my website and promoted on social media to each new subscriber.

The cost to run an ad is currently $19. (Likely to go up as the newsletter grows.)

Some other important things

No cancellations or reschedules due to timing, availability, and holding the date.

I reserve the right to decline any sponsors that aren't a good fit for the Street Smart Product Manager. A full refund will be issued in that case.

I reserve the right to edit the copy to fit the tone and voice of the newsletter and ad creative requirements.