Is Your Current Roadmap Process Healthy?

Is Your Current Roadmap
Process Healthy?

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In 2017, I joined a startup as head of product and I'll never forget my first meeting with the CEO.

"Shardul," he said, "We have to double revenue this year. But I don't see a path to do it. That's why you're here."

"Our biggest challenge is we have no product roadmap," he lamented.

"Product Management and Engineering have different ideas on what to work on next...

"No one knows what is coming when...

Sales and marketing have no idea what they can and can't sell to our customers...

And I fear I'm losing the confidence of the Board."

He leaned forward and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Can you produce a roadmap for us by the end of the week?"


When I announced the launch of One Week Product Roadmap, my course that teaches product managers how to create an actionable strategic roadmap, 99% of folks who joined the interest list told me they did so because there was something about their current roadmap process that frustrated them.

Some felt bogged down in a futile attempt to predict the unpredictable.

Some felt they're simply moving from sprint to sprint, release to release, customer demand to customer demand with no real sense of direction.

Others were searching for a way to demonstrate the value of what they were doing.

Some were just looking for a better way.

Most were just desperately trying to make sense of the chaos - to find some way to lead their teams forward in the darkness.

All of them, complained about stakeholders.

  • Too many opinions.
  • Too many requests.
  • Can't align them.
  • Can't stay aligned.
  • No context.
  • Uninspired.

Most heartbreaking of all, the experience had some questioning their own self-worth.

Maybe this is you?


Before any transformation, we need to assess where we are and where we need to go.

That will illuminate gaps and opportunities from where we can chart a path forward.

It's the same with roadmap transformation: you need to assess your current process (assuming there even is one). From there, you can choose an approach.

So, this week, I want to share a tool I've used in many of my gigs to assess the health of my product roadmap process.

It's called a Roadmap Health Assessment Checklist.

It's a simple tool that asks you to answer 14 questions. The total point value of all your answers will give you a sense of the quality of your current roadmap process and areas of potential improvement.

Answer each question with a score on a scale of 0-2 (0 bad, 2 good). Then subtract the red scores from the green scores.

  • Score of 18 or higher = a good roadmap process. Congratulations!
  • Score of 12 – 17 = a decent one that needs some improvements.
  • Score of 11 or less = a broken process or no process. Reset!

Yes, this is a subjective assessment. Do it with other team members to get a more diverse perspective. The purpose isn't to have a scientific audit. The intent is to have a helpful pulse check on where you - and perhaps the team - feel things are and where opportunities may lie.

Roadmap Reboot

Once you have your assessment, here's what you do:

If you have a decent process and believe it needs only minor enhancements:

  1. Use the questions to identify the areas of greatest opportunity.
  2. Prioritize the ones that are most impactful.
  3. Focus on improving one piece at a time.

Incremental improvements are generally a better approach vs. wholesale changes.

If your process is rather clunky:

It may be tempting to change everything all at once.

But that can often cause more damage, especially if you've got something that's basically functional.

So, first assess whether a full reset is truly required or if there's a base from which improvements can be made.

You'll make quicker progress by prioritizing the most impactful areas and taking them on one at a time.

If your process is completely broken or unsalvageable, or you have no process at all:

Time for a reset.

You necessarily have to start at the beginning with the fundamentals and work your way up from there.

Even here, though, tread lightly on wholesale change.

It can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned product folks. And it can take months to arrive at a process everyone is happy with.

And in the meantime you still need to get product to customers and deliver business results.

A 50,000-person Fortune 100 company I worked at decided to do this mid-stream.

It was like trying to turn an oil tanker around in a small port.

Think about limiting the scope of the reboot so you can deliver tangible changes in shorter timespans.

  • Easier to measure and showcase progress.
  • Easier to provide visibility to the higher ups, which helps with continued sponsorship.
  • Easier to assess the results and align on next steps along the way.

Pro tips:

  1. Get one or more executive sponsors.
  2. Keep them engaged.
  3. Have well-defined milestones with clear success criteria.
  4. Bring the team along.

How good is your roadmap process?

A roadmap health check was the first thing I did at the startup in my story.

I shared the results with the CEO and other founders, and then got to work creating a roadmap that could get the organization aligned in 7 days.

(Spoiler: I pulled it off!)

It has worked so well for me in job after job that I decided to include it as one of the first exercises in my One Week Product Roadmap course.

Give it a try and see where your roadmap process is today.

Try the Roadmap Health Assessment Checklist for yourself.

I hope it helps you and your teams like it helped me and mine.

Have a joyful week, and, if you can, make it joyful for someone else too.


PS. Bruce McCarthy has a similar one in his book, Product Roadmaps Relaunched. I liked the simple way he laid his out, so I updated mine with element from his and I wanted to share it with you today.

Shardul Mehta

I ❤️ product managers.

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